SERIES: Taking Care of YOU! What we have in common with the “Tree of Life.”

A tree with no leaves in the middle of a field.

In the fall of 2021, my wife and I visited the Disney World Animal Kingdom and while admiring the Tree of Life I was mindful of the symbolic interconnectedness we all have with the Tree of Life.  A tree symbolizes togetherness, never alone as we are all connected to the world. The tree is symbolic of our connection to our families and ancestors.  The unique network of branches on a tree represents how our families grow and develop throughout generations.  A tree finds a way to survive, and its vivid green leaves are representative of its energy and strength.  It grows up and spreads its branches comparable to how each of us grow stronger and increases our knowledge and experiences throughout our life. Each tree is exclusive by reflecting its individuality with its branches sprouting in various directions.  It reminds me of how we each grow into exceptionally different individuals based on experiences that define who we are.  Just like a tree that has experienced the elements of weather and remains strong and durable we too, when experiencing adversity, bounce back and become stronger.  It has been said that the Tree of Life symbolizes immortality by creating seeds that carry forward its spirit that lives through future trees. Our spirits live through our future generations.  Let’s also be mindful of being at peace with ourselves as the tree also represents calm and peace.  Take care of YOU by staying calm and relaxed the next time you begin to feel a storm coming on.

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