SERIES: Taking Care of YOU! Humor me for a few moments, please!
Do you sometimes (or often) find yourself fretting about what your day is going to be like? When someone approaches with a frown or unpleasant demeanor do you find yourself emulating that person’s behavior? Are you predicting that you are going to have a horrible day? Well cheer up, cupcake! Help is always available if you have a sense of humor. No matter how distressing a situation may be, take a few seconds or moments to calm yourself by thinking of something funny and you may be able to de-escalate the situation long enough to get to the root cause of what’s really happening. For example, the short video you viewed of the baby seeing paper being ripped is generally very funny, to most people. Next time you have a negative encounter, you might think of that baby laughing.
Humor is an excellent way of taking care of YOU. People that are exposed to negative stimuli too often can easily fall into depression. Reframing a negative event in a much lighter view will help minimize unhappy times. Humor will improve your quality of life. BTW, in addition to the humor expressed by comedians, daily observations of human behavior will often bring a smile to your face and maybe a belly laugh. Just look around you. Some of those observations may stay with you for later recall.
Did you know that a high percentage of men and women believe that a sense of humor is one of the most important qualities they want to experience with a partner? Also, anyone that strives to be an effective leader must have a good sense of humor. It is a critical quality, particularly when certain types of humor are practiced (meaning the types that promotes better self-esteem, leans toward more positive effect, helps with self-competency, encourages better performance socially and business-wise, and helps increase control over anxiety) that will prove to make a positive difference with those being led. Take care of YOU by exercising your sense of humor (e.g., laugh more………. fret less) on a regular basis.
Remember the words of Ella Wheeler Wilcox: “Laugh, and the world laughs with you….†(Source: “Solitudeâ€, poem by American poet Ella Wheeler Wilcox)